Core Values
Enthusiasm, Creativity and a Passion for Excellence
At Semtech, we stress the importance of pursuing both work and life with enthusiasm, 创造力和追求卓越的激情. 我们的核心价值观使我们能够做到这一点. They aren’t simply words on a paper; they’re the ultimate definition of what we stand for. These principles foster a productive workplace and enable growth and progress.
- Common purpose – we need to all row in the same direction
- Create an environment that facilitates freedom to innovate & 取得非凡的成绩
- Challenge the status quo, take measured risks and resist conventional thinking
- 学会作为一个团队去赢和输
- 你希望别人怎样对待你,你就怎样对待别人
- 攻击问题而不是人
- Respect and value diversity of experience, culture and opinions
- Learn from everyone – peers, subordinates, bosses, competitors, and customers
- 永远不要破坏你的诚信
- Hold everyone accountable and recognize each other’s contributions
- Explicitly communicate goals and standards of behavior
- Do the right thing even when no one is looking or will ever find out
- 清晰、坦诚地沟通
- 挑战别人,但要学会倾听
- 关注什么是对的,而不是谁是对的
- Acknowledge that debate contributes to productive meetings
- Focus on efficiencies of time, work effort, decision making, and $ expenditures
- 制定一个计划,并努力实现或超越这个计划
- 尊重对待公司的每一分钱
- 如果有疑问,问问你的老板