Semtech非常重视安全. We take a proactive, comprehensive and rigorous approach to forge trust and resilience in our products and services. 在Semtech,我们致力于创造一个更智能、更互联、更安全的世界.
Information Protection
Semtech坚持ISO 27001标准, 我们在卡马里奥的总部, 核证机关通过ISO 27001资讯安全管理体系认证. Our proactive IT and Product Security teams are dedicated to protecting sensitive information, 保持系统安全,快速有效地应对威胁.
Intellectual Property
Semtech has a proud history of innovation and invention and protecting intellectual property is a priority. 运用多学科控制来维护知识产权, 为员工提供持续创新的安全环境.
我们的员工定期接受培训,学习如何识别潜在的安全风险, practice cybersecure behaviors inside and outside of the workplace and report potential incidents or concerns to our security team. 我们的员工有一套强大的网络安全工具支持, aimed at reducing risks, 及早阻止威胁,发现潜在事件.
Business Continuity
We are currently pursuing a certification in ISO 22301:2019 - Security and Resilience Business Continuity Management System - to signify our goal of minimizing disruptions to our eco-system.
有关Semtech负责任的商业实践的更多信息 see our ESG Report.
在Semtech,安全是最重要的. The company understands that robust security measures are essential to maintaining customer trust, protecting sensitive data, 并确保其产品和服务的完整性. By prioritizing security, Semtech aims to safeguard its customers against emerging threats and vulnerabilities in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Semtech employs a comprehensive security framework that integrates advanced technologies, policies, 以及保护其产品和服务免受潜在威胁的程序.
Semtech坚持安全的开发实践, 包括安全编码标准, rigorous testing, and code reviews, 将整个产品开发生命周期中的安全风险最小化.
Our ongoing work with OEMs and carriers enables us to implement best practices with the latest technologies. Close partner relationships help secure deployments throughout the development process.
To ensure ongoing security, Semtech定期进行安全审计和评估, 主动识别和解决漏洞.
Semtech invests in continuous security training and awareness programs for its employees to foster a security-first culture within the organization.
Semtech has a PSIRT that is a specialized team within the organization that is responsible for handling and responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities related to the organization's products or services.
Semtech’s Product Security Team plays a pivotal role in embedding security throughout the product lifecycle, 从设计和开发到部署和维护. 通过设计原则和前瞻性风险管理集成安全性, 这个团队增强了客户的信任, protects sensitive data, 有效降低安全风险..
Securing Your Future with Semtech: Industry-Leading Security Practices for Long-Term Success
At Semtech, 在半导体行业有五十年的经验, IoT, Data Centers, Automotive, 工业自动化和消费电子, 我们理解产品安全的重要性. 我们的安全措施旨在保护您的数据、设备和网络. We prioritize intelligent, layered security measures, 符合全球标准, 不断创新,防范新出现的威胁. Our commitment to security helps our customers achieve long-term success by providing a solid foundation of trust and reliability. Partner with Semtech and experience unparalleled security that empowers your business to thrive securely and sustainably.